Community Based Victim Services

The Community Based Victim Services Program supports and empowers victims of crime and violence to soar beyond violence.

Funded by Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General, Victim Services

The Community Based Victim Services program provides information, community referrals, emotional, practical and court support to victims, their families and witnesses. These services are provided in a safe, non-judgmental, trauma-informed manner.

“I don’t know if I would have made it through the legal process without your support. You helped me get my life back.”

Community Based Victim Services participant

Community Based Victim Services Program Info

Victims, immediate family members and witnesses of all ages who have experienced any of the following crimes of violence:
> Physical abuse
> Sexual abuse
> Stalking / Threatening
> Criminal harassment
> Hate crimes
> Human Trafficking
> Other forms of violence

Those eligible for support must either reside in Maple Ridge or Pitt Meadows or the offence must have arisen in one of these communities. Self-referrals accepted.

Monday – Friday
Flexible hours


22768 119th Avenue Maple Ridge BC V2X 4L2

Marje – Community Based Victim Services Coordinator
Phone: 604-467-6911 ext. 1227
604-466-3922 Alisa’s Wish
Fax: 604-648-8193

Resources for Victims of Crime and Violence

Immigrants Information


Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence


Children /Youth Safety Information
