A great time was had by all at our Senior’s Party Bus event today! Lunch at Meadow Gardens with fabulous guest speaker, Sergeant Irvin, from Ridge Meadows RCMP, who shared valuable tips about how to avoid being a victim of fraud. Our Senior services dream team, Sandi and Christine, brightened everyone’s day with their good humour and big hearts and it was a wonderful to connect in person and share a meal in such gorgeous setting. Lots of senior smiles today

Thank you to all who made it happen

To learn more about our senior services, please visit our website.
#Lovemrpmcs #seniorpartybus #unitedwayofbritishcolumbia #mrpmcs
#meadowgardensgolfclub #ridgemeadowsRCMP.
#meadowgardensgolfclub #ridgemeadowsRCMP.